Looking back over the past week and to the weeks ahead – to rate the noteworthy, the cringeworthy, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the truly amazing.
With Christmas a week and a half away – this week’s reviews are all related to our favourite holiday.
Christmas tunes
At the beginning of December every year, without fail, my neighbours amp up their stereo and pump out Christmas songs at an elevated volume each Saturday and Sunday until the 25th. At first I hated it. It felt as if I was having something crammed down my ears that I didn’t ask for. Slowly I accepted the pure joy in it and found myself singing along.
I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of Christmas tunes – more of a reluctant admirer – but my daughter is obsessed with them and nobody likes a grinch. After a few eggnogs I may even sing along.
5 stars – songs of joy – what could be wrong with that?
Movie time!
When it comes to Christmas films, it seems the cheesier the better and isn’t that we are looking for on the big day? Personally I could just watch Die Hard or It’s a Wonderful Life or, at a stretch, one of Richard Curtis’ schmaltzy ensemble films where, whatever happens, love will be all around at the end. In the UK, the Christmas film cliche is a Bond film. In New Zealand we don’t have that, not yet anyhow.
5 stars – watching a film after eating the biggest meal of the year, yes please!
A day off
We get a good number of public holidays but Christmas is my favourite. Unlike the others, it’s a day of connection and indulgence, generosity and love. Yes, for some of us, it has a religious element to it and that’s important too. I was raised Catholic and, as a kid, midnight Christmas mass was the best mass of the year. You got to stay up fantastically late, everyone was happy and nice, and it had the best hymns.
For many Kiwis, Christmas is the beginning of their holiday time, and often will be at the beach, the bach, in a caravan – somewhere the sun is blazing, where work and everyday life is many miles away.
Whatever we choose to do, Christmas day is always my favourite day off – better still, it’s followed by another day off as well!
5 stars – the perfect day off!
Boxing Day sales
I know some people love the Boxing Day sales but personally I don’t get it. Wouldn’t it be better to make the sales before Xmas, like, perhaps Christmas Eve? That way people struggling with what can be an anxious financial time can get some solid bargains. Sounds like a great idea to me and leaves Boxing Day for what it used to be – a time to hang out with friends and relax.
3 stars – while it’s not my thing, I accept that some people get to spend money given as a present – so it’s not all bad.
My mum passed a few years ago and she loved Christmas more than anyone I have ever met. She made the day special for everyone and she just beamed with excitement. She looked forward to Christmas day all year and would make every effort to create a memorable day. Since she has gone I now have to buy my own socks and I think of her every time I buy those staple things that mum would give us as presents when we were adults – socks, underwear, shaving cream, diaries, deodorant.
As much as receiving presents is great, giving them is often better, especially if they are well thought out gifts.
5 stars – giving and receiving – win, win!