NoCowboys has been in business long enough to know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to marketing. We pioneered online reviews from the days when online feedback was in its infancy. Since then we have helped tens of thousands of New Zealand businesses...
Because I am in the online review business, I read as much as I can about reviews, how consumers read and use reviews, and how much reviews help businesses online. Personally, I find the whole thing fascinating and so many times when I’m reading about consumer...
Apparently it was Einstein who coined this phrase – although that’s up for debate – either way it’s prescient when I think about business owners spending their marketing budgets and getting little in return. “Insanity is doing the same...
If you’re reading this then it’s likely that you have left feedback for a tradie or business on NoCowboys before. You may have done it because you were asked or you may have done it unsolicited because you were delighted with the work done, or perhaps...
Whenever I explain what marketing is, I simplify it to its most basic element: marketing is the bridge that closes the gap between a business and the customers they want to attract. Today, there are numerous options and marketing businesses that promise remarkable...