Taking a look at recent, positive, uplifting, news stories and yarns, from New Zealand and all around the world, to bring a smile and a bit of cheer. Top Kiwi toastie revealed Now, I’m not sure which nation lays claim to inventing the toastie but for the sake of...
Taking a look at recent, positive, uplifting, news stories and yarns, from New Zealand and all around the world, to bring a smile and a bit of cheer. Breakdancer creates stir that’s still ongoing Well, the Olympics are done and dusted and there were many, many...
Taking a look at recent, positive, uplifting, news stories and yarns, from New Zealand and all around the world to bring a smile and a bit of cheer. Historic vehicle up for auction If you have a penchant for classic cars, history, and royalty (as well as some cash in...
Taking a look at recent, positive, uplifting, news stories and yarns, from New Zealand and all around the world to bring a smile and a bit of cheer. It’s important to remember what the Olympics actually are As you are no doubt aware, the Olympics have kicked...
Taking a look at recent, positive, uplifting, news stories and yarns, from New Zealand and all around the world to bring a smile and a bit of cheer. Local personality passes away after years of sharing joy Last week I read about the passing of a Christchurch...