Cash jobs can be more than you bargained for . . .

Cash jobs can be more than you bargained for . . .

It may seem like a good idea – get yourself a deal and do a tradie a favour – but cash jobs are never that smart and the outcomes can be disastrous.

“Reputation is the one thing that smart and organised tradies take seriously . . .”

There’s a saying about taxes – something about how they’re as certain as death and while paying the revenue may not be everyone’s favourite thing, it’s the price of being a part of a society and we all get to benefit.

More than that, a tradie who is up front and honest about invoicing is showing that they are professional in everything that they do and in this day and age where trust is such a prized commodity, paying someone under the table leaves you vulnerable.

Why? An invoice is evidence, it leaves a trail and without it you have no recourse if the job is not up to scratch or goes wrong.

A reputable tradie or service provider may not like the time involved in sorting out taxes and GST but they see it as part of the overall job – it’s just something else to play – like equipment, vehicles and staff.

For good tradies taking care of the books is as important as any of their other tools

For good tradies taking care of the books is as important as any of their other tools


Unfortunately anyone offering to do a job for cash is giving you the message that they’re not up front and if the job goes sour it is going to be incredibly difficult to sort out a dispute. Without an invoice you’re left with your word against someone else and that doesn’t stand up that well in a disagreement.

Reputation is the one thing that smart and organised tradies take seriously – it’s also something that disreputable ones couldn’t care about at all and reputation is a consumers best marker of someone to engage in any job.

“. . . anyone you pay to do a job for you needs to be accountable and upfront.”

For over a decade NoCowboys has been connecting Kiwi consumers with tradies and service providers with a two pronged service that delivers choice based on reputation.

When you Google any business name or the service you want in your area then look for NoCowboys profiles in the search results. It’s a sure fire way to guarantee a business takes their reputation seriously. You could look at their website, or a listing but authenticated reviews can tell you exactly what previous customers think about a company.

Secondly, is the premier review site for service providers in New Zealand. It is the only site that offers authenticated reviews, so you know they are not manipulated or fabricated.

So, while the offer of a discounted job for cash may seem like a good idea initially, remember that anyone you pay to do a job for you needs to be accountable and upfront.

If in doubt – Google their trading name or check out


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