In reviews 28 July ’23

In reviews 28 July ’23

Looking back over the past weeks and to the weeks ahead – to rate the noteworthy, the cringeworthy, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the truly amazing. In reviews 28 July ’23 The health benefits of coffee Don’t tell anybody but one of my last thoughts at...
In reviews 13 July ’23

In reviews 13 July ’23

Looking back over the past weeks and to the weeks ahead – to rate the noteworthy, the cringeworthy, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the truly amazing. Joe Bennett hailing the plumbing trade Joe Bennett has a way with words and is one of the more learned and lucid...
Paperless travel leaves some of us behind

Paperless travel leaves some of us behind

For the past few weeks I’ve been travelling in Europe, accompanying my father, on what may well be his last trip. He’s a few weeks shy of 80 and the advancing years have slowed him down, without diminishing the joy he experiences from new adventures and...