Irish rock group, U2 were in New Zealand last week with their Joshua Tree tour – celebrating the album of the same name released in 1987. To Kiwis it’s one of their more fondly held albums, mainly because of the song, “One Tree Hill”, that...
It’s been a practice that a number of businesses have carried out for years, but a decision in the Auckland District Court last month puts into sharp focus the importance, and indeed, the legal requirement of presenting website reviews honestly and accurately,...
Is there anything that raises the ire of certain Northern Hemisphere rugby critics and fans more than the All Blacks’ haka? Whenever the World Cup rolls around it’s always the same, tired, ignorant, and insensitive criticisms of a tradition of our game...
I read many, many articles, news stories, reports and academic papers about online consumer reviews. A casual Google search will bring up thousands of observations about the greatest consumer motivation to connect with businesses – legitimate, authenticated...
Reputations are fragile things – they take many years to forge and can be destroyed in a heartbeat. In public life there has been a massive recent shift in the way that certain reputations are perceived and while some villains prosper, others are wiped from history....
Well, if there’s anything to make anyone feel a little bit older, it’s the sooner than expected arrival of the latest installment of the Rugby World Cup. Without giving away my age, I can vividly remember trooping along to Lancaster Park in Christchurch,...