Now that the Australian election is done and dusted and Scott Morrison and the Liberal/National coalition returned to power, it’s a good time to pay some attention to a story that emerged a few weeks ago, regarding our cousins across the ditch and their...
Along with millions of children (and adults), I was enthralled with Roald Dahl’s magical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the subsequent 1971 film, starring the ethereal Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. Children love many things and two of the most enduring are...
I was talking to a business owner the other day, and he was telling me about a recent experience where he had sighted a job and gave a customer a verbal quote. This ‘lead’ had come from a jobs board site and he costed the job and gave an estimate, that he...
For years our neighbours across the ditch have laid claim to Kiwi successes and achievements – think the mighty Pavlova, Crowded House, Russell Crowe, Phar Lap, Lamingtons, and lolly cake. This year, again, they have voted our national airline their most trusted...
Symbols are powerful things and can transcend their intended purpose to create new meanings. Buildings are a pertinent example of this. One building, more than any other over the past eight years has generated huge debate and discussion. Christ Church Cathedral in...
I was reading an article recently that discussed the exchange between raters and businesses and cited a paper by a marketing academic, who referred to it as ‘the reputation economy,’ and while that term has been around for a few years now, it got me...