What are NoCowboys points of difference?

What are NoCowboys points of difference?

We didn’t invent online reviews but we did pioneer their use and acceptance here in New Zealand and our platform is not only respected but trusted. We keep improving our services to keep in step with online developments so that Kiwis can choose the best tradespeople and businesses.

So how are we different to seemingly similar online options? Here’s a few . . .


Not only are our reviews authenticated, they reflect the work of every business ANYWHERE – meaning – not only for work that was done through our site – but any through every means that a customer found that business.

Jobs board sites only allow for reviews done through those sites – so they are a protracted and misleading representation of a businesses’ reputation. NoCowboys reviews present an overall picture of a business’ reputation, which is far more helpful and honest.

We are facilitators, not brokers

Our services are FREE for those who use our site to post jobs or search for businesses and we do not take a cut from businesses who secure work through our site. Jobs board sites take a cut and have a vested interest. We do not. It’s a very important distinction.

You can share the information from your personalised dashboard to help friends/family

Anyone who uses our site can create their own personalised dashboard – free of charge and they can export and share the businesses that have done work for them to help others. Other sites protect that information and it is not transferable – because they have monetised it, we haven’t.

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Investigation exposes dodgy review site

Investigation exposes dodgy review site

If I've learned one thing from reading tens of thousands of reviews over the years, it's to be wary of review sites I've never heard of and to research as much as I can before trusting the reviews. I think about this a lot, especially with unverified, easily faked...

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