Kiwi Painter NZ Ltd / Painting & Decorating Contractors in Pukerua Bay
Primary contact
YeYe Myit
Primary contact
YeYe Myit
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About us
Hi, we are kiwi painter NZ Limited company. we are hardworking, friendly, happy to work weekends and school holidays.
we are also having 4 years of experience in this painting job. we take job in wellington region job. we have 5 people in our group.
What we do
we do paint houses, school, apartment, roof, interior and exterior. fence and plastering.
Categories we service
Spray Painting, Roof painting, Plasterers, Painters / Painting Contractors, Home Painters / Residential Painting Contractors, Construction Painting, Commercial Painting Contractors
Areas we service
Wellington City, Porirua Area, Kapiti Coast Area, Hutt Valley Area
Kiwi Painter NZ Ltd has not given us their exact location, but they are based in Pukerua Bay
Communication: 100% | Quality: 100% | Reliability: 100% | Value: 100%