Cowperthwaite Roofing Ltd / Roofing Contractors in Penrose
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There were a number of things we complained about at the time – the sheet across the front of… the house was not flat, and they did not reconnect the phone box on the roof. We were told there was nothing that could be done about it, as the scaffolding had come down. No corrective action was taken.
"But the worse, and ongoing, problem was that the roof leaked. This was reported to Cowperthwaite and they regularly sent “Baz” around with a sealant gun. This happened maybe a half dozen times until 2013. After that, the roof continued to leak, irregularly, but consistently. We gave up.
The recent rains have made this intolerable, and we have no confidence in Cowperthwaites ability (or desire) to fix it, despite offering multiple opportunity. We have had the issue inspected by an alternative provider, and they have stated “the main reason for the leak you are experiencing is from poor installation and design”. In further discussion this relates to the middle valley drainage, where the material under the coloursteel does not go up high enough to prevent water breaching the top of it when it rains. You can put your hand through the gap. How Cowperthwaites did not do it properly amazes me. In this part, they did substandard job.
We basically now have to replace this part of the roof, due to the incompetency of the original install by Cowperthwaites.
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