The Original Kiwi Rating Site Now with 137,012 ratings online

Kiwi businesses use NoCowboys to track customers, build reputations, and find new work.

Happy customers talk™

We get it. None of us are in business for our health. We're in business to get ahead.
Success in business today is all about reputation. People talk, they share, they recommend.

NoCowboys is a full-featured reputation marketing service.

Join NoCowboys and take control of the conversation.

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Why register your business with

We're New Zealand's original ratings and review site - the first place Kiwis look for the low-down on businesses and tradesmen all over the country. Research shows that personal recommendations are one of the primary sources for info on who to call, and NoCowboys is where they look. You need to be here.

Good reputation means Growth

Your reputation is paramount – what people say about you is an important metric for the health of your business, and rightly so – why would anyone hire a business with a bad rap? NoCowboys gives you the tools and the power to actively manage your reputation and accelerate growth.

Make marketing simple

Unless you're extremely lucky, leaving marketing to chance is a sure way to send your business into the red. NoCowboys provides a simple, intuitive system for marketing your business through reputation management. It works because the feedback on our site shows up in Google searches, and that's how people investigate who to call. Be seen by being here.

What's in it for my business?

Thousands of savvy Kiwi business owners have already registered with That's because registered businesses get more job opportunities, more referral business, a searchable online profile and business page, and much more.